The Personal Development Podcast is a platform dedicated to sharing conversational accounts on the journey of finding ourselves and our path.

Find us wherever you stream your podcasts under "PDProject" and tune in for our fortnightly conversations.

Episode 30 - Religion

Faith - an aid or a hinderance on the journey of finding ourselves and our path?

Episode 29 - Preface to Religion

Faith - an aid or a hinderance on the journey of finding ourselves and our path?

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Episode 28 - Masculinity

Shall we stick with it or twist, love or hate it?

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with Mali Gunter & Isaac Rawecliffe.

Episode 27 - Insecurities

An understanding of why we truly act the way we act...

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with Jamila Skeete & Allison Baker.

Episode 26 - Spirituality

What is it and how can it better my connection, conduct and direction?

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with Aaron Crawley & Mali Gunter.

Episode 25 - Bless that which you wish...

An antidote for our confliction, self-jeopardy and anxiety...

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with Mali Gunter.

Episode 24 - Who am I in light of this?

One question to rule them all...

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with Mali Gunter.

Episode 23 - Friendship

Our most common form of relationship...

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with Malik Aidoo & Mali Gunter.

Episode 22 - Motivation and meaning

Why is it so hard to do as we intend?

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with Rajan Patel & Mali Gunter.

Episode 21 - Transformation

For when we need to change...

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with Hamza Nazir & Mali Gunter.

Episode 20 - Self-Belief

Some people seem to have it, others don't - but what even is it?

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with Dayana Soroko, Ella Hullet & Mali Gunter.

Episode 19 - Radical Honesty

Why don't we just say it?

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with Mali Gunter.

Episode 18 - An Introduction to Skeetism

Are we proud of who we are becoming?

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with Mali Gunter and Rajan Patel.

Episode 17 - The Power to Change...

...and our responsibility to do so.

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with Mali Gunter.

Episode 16 - Endings & Beginnings

Nothing lasts indefinitely. How do we deal with that change? This is a conversation about how we have been dealing with just that.

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with guest speakers Isaac Rawecliff and Angus Black.

Episode 15 - Strength in femininity

An International Women's Day Special - exploring the themes of strength in femininity, the narratives at play within our society, their origins and how they are propogated.

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with guest speakers Juliette Feller, Juliette Dudle (Jules) and Mali Gunter.

Maybe we need not reject to ego but embrace it as to actualize our true, best self...

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with guest speakers Roshan Ark and Adam Gordon.

Episode 13 - Personalitites

We are so different it is often painful. This is a conversation about how our habit of overlooking our differences can create a lot of our own problems.

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with guest speakers Jamila Skeete and Maimoona Boakye.

Episode 12 - Creating the life you want

Becoming attune to the narratives in our lives: No one really teaches you how to do it. I wanted to have a conversation about which ones are here to stay and which ones we should let go of. figuring out which ones are here to stay and which ones we should let go of.

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with guest speakers Aaron Cawley and Derek Joy.

Episode 11 - Emotional Development

If only they didn't always get in the way. This fortnight, we delve into our journeys unpacking the feel of life and exploring the clarity, meaning and direction our emotions can provide when we learn to cooperate with them.

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with guest speakers Kiavash Shirazpour, Tobias Fechner and Miles Lloyd.

Episode 10 - Personal Politics

New year, different vote, same problems. It is easy to feel like we lack influence over our lives when we deal with politics on national scales. We explore finding ourselves and our path through investing in more local and personal contributions to regain a sense of control in a seemingly stagnant political system.

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with guest speakers Sam Kay and Mali Gunter.

Episode 9 - Family

Our deepest connections only seem to work optimally when we pull together side-by-side. Going to university and displacing one of the links is never as inconsequential as it seems. Episode 9 discusses managing that mileage to help us feel in sync.

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with guest speakers Liam Hanson and Montague Rhodes.

Episode 8 - Managing the madness

"Paralysingly overwhelmed and underachieving" - the narrative a lot of us adopt. Our inability to keep up with our lifestyles is often interpreted as inadequacy. Episode 8 discusses how to ease our task loads, manage the madness and find those pursuits which we can afford to speed up on and those that we need to slow down.

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with guest speakers Ilham Said and Patrick Sullivan.

Episode 7 - Career Development

The next and logest chapter for many. For that reason it is often a paralysing decision to make. Episode 7 discusses how we are seeking to push back against a force that can leave us feeling powerless to change the trajectory we currently find ourselves on.

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with guest speakers Finn Morgan and Dardan Ratkoceri.

Episode 6 - Support Networks

As strong as we make ourselves, we will always face something we pale in comparison to. We will always need to lean on the support of others. Despite focusing so much on self-dependency, we neglect focussing on bolstering the strength of our support networks for the rocky days that may be just around the corner. From the perspective of a vulnerable overly self-resilient, Episode 6 is hosted by Yunus Skeete with guest speakers Yannick Yalipende and Montague Rhodes.

Episode 5 - Progressive Extremism/The Snowball Effect

There may be a lot of change required for you to reach your goals. Letting the daunt get the better of you or diving straight into radical change seldom secures achieving what you set your hopes on. Episode 5 looks into how to go about breaking large goals up into small behavioural changes and how big things can be born from the smallest of starts.

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with guest speakers Tom Purves and Philip Mokuolu.

Episode 4 - Personal Finances/Student Debt

Everyone's worst nightmare is it not? Episode 4 discusses the break in the bank.

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with guest speakers Mali Gunter, Cem Gurhan and Veer Shah.

Episode 3 - The Personal Development Mindset

Effective personal development is dependent on the correct mindset. At the Personal Development Project, we have coined this the Personal Development Mindset. Episode 3 seeks to define this mindset, exploring the outlook and thinking of our guests speakers whilst comparing and contrasting them with your host's tendencies.

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with guest speakers Gruff Kennedy and Mali Gunter.

Episode 2 - Productivity

Episode 2 uncovers the keys to Productivity and time management. From redefining productivity to minimising your resistance, this episode sheds light into how we can make the most out of our days.

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with guest speakers Patrick Sullivan and Annabel Ohene.

Episode 1 - An Introduction to the PDPodcast

Episode 1 introduces the PDPodcast and Bristol Futures as well as taking a look into the benefits and importance of personal development and productivity as a student. Guest speakers will discuss their journeys with personal development and productivity, and talk about tailoring your personal development to your needs.

Hosted by Yunus Skeete with guest speakers Charlie and Patrick Sullivan.

Speakers Wanted!

The Personal Development Project is currently looking for speakers to appear on the PDPodcast.


If you have any insights to share (be it opinions, successes or failures) or you are just looking to kick-start your personal development journey, contact us at today or visit our Vacancies page to find out more.

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